Biggest regret in life

 People say mistakes are meant to teach us lessons. But some mistake are way too big which leave us only with regret.

My biggest regret in life is going to kota for neet preparation in 11th grade. I was good student till 10th with study fun balanced. When i went to kota i had no idea what it's like to be there. I was just clueless. I was doing good for quite sometime and then my health deteriorated. I missed my classes for like a week or two and if you have studied there you'll know the value of single class. I missed on a lot of chapters and then came the phase where i just stopped studying. Started bunking classes. Binge watching web series. Basically i fuc*ed up.

I thought i would manage it in 12th as they teach 11th again. But then covid hitted and everything shifted online. And then i wasted 12th too.

I decided to take a drop from physics wallah online coaching which was also a major mistake. Studying online isn't really my thing and i should have known that by then. I wasn't able to solve doubts nor was I able to manage my time. I made another stupid decision to go back to kota but study online to get that environment. I was so isolated there and wasn't able to study. Later i was diagnosed with depression the same year (which isn't a excuse) and another year wasted.

Now the thing is once you start preparing for this competitive exams there's no going back. Drop after drop. I took admission in Allen's achiever batch next year and studied consistently but couldn't score enough to fetch a government medical College.

I didn't wanted to drop another year but i had already invested this much of time and if not neet then what was the thing which led me again to it. I decided to do self study with offline test series as my concepts were clear. And finally I am getting 665 marks this year.

Though i cracked this exam but it really doesn't needs this many years to do so. I just wasted three precious years of my life for a single exam. When my batchmates are graduating this i would be starting my college. I regret every moment i wasted watching series, hanging out with friends which no longer are my friends, wasting my parents money and my precious time.If you're a aspirant just give your best for once and all. Do not waste your time.

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