Death Really End

 No. What we call death is a mere destruction of the gross body. As long as one has not been free from ignorance (avidya), one’s subtle body is never destroyed. At the time of death, a subtle body, carrying various impressions of the mind, along with atma (eternal spirit soul), travels and acquires another suitable gross body to act on those subtle impressions.

Mind, intelligence, and false ego are the make-up of our subtle body. The attachment and aversion of the senses to their sense objects constitute subtle impressions in the mind. These impressions are carried forward, birth after birth. Being very subtle, these mental impressions are like an energy flow that continues unabated, thus continuing to occupy newer and newer gross bodies. Energy cannot be destroyed, it simply takes another shape and continues.

To give a gross shape to our subtle mental impressions, it is essential that subtle body contact with another suitable gross body. This is inevitable as long as the ignorance (avidya) of the jiva or the living entity is not destroyed.

As long as there exists the subtle material body composed of intelligence, mind, senses, sense objects, and the reactions of the material qualities, the consciousness of false identification and its relative objective, the gross body, exist as well (so one has to acquire another gross body- rebirth)

- Srimad Bhagavatam 4.29.70

In short, for the jiva, the connection with the gross body, i.e. the condition of me and mine (false ego-identification with matter), is not cutas long as the subtle body, which is a transformation of the gunas (material qualities of sattva, rajas, and tamas), in the form of intelligence, mind senses and sense objects, continues to exist.

Thus, death is not really the end. It is just like a flight layover. In a long journey, we have to split our journey by changing the planes. Similarly, in the multi-life journey of spiritual evolution, death is but a temporary halt or layover.

The soul, which is the form of condensed consciousness, is never destroyed. It is eternal. Having destroyed ignorance by the axe of unflinching devotion to God, which includes its component the knowledge of self-realization, the subtle body gets destroyed and the soul attains final communion with the Supreme soul- God. That is the ultimate end of all our material suffering and that is actually the blissful beginning of the soul-pure.

If one is really intent on making this birth a very last birth in this material existence, it is certainly possible. The process is to engage in devotional service unto Lord Krishna (God) by chanting and hearing His Holy Names.

Especially for the people of the current age, chanting the Holy Names of God is the most efficient process of self-purification, causing ULTIMATE END to the cycle of BIRTH & DEATH.

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