Secret formula to make girls happy

Do you know when a husband loves his wife
like crazy?
peace. Quarrels are far away, there was never even a fight in married life.
fun food? Physical beauty? Giving birth to more children? Or something else?
and peace of married life is first of God's will and then in the hands of the
wife. A wife can make her house a piece of paradise if she wants and can turn
it into hell if she wants.
Because there are many rich women whose lives are full of misery, whose
husbands do not want to come near them.
Because there are many women who have many children, but the husband does not
like them. Even in this situation, the precedent of divorce is not less.
because there are many women, who are quite good at cooking, work in the
kitchen all day, yet face abuse from their husbands.
his words. He said, then what is the real secret?
husband scolded me in anger, I used to remain respectfully silent and
repentantly nodded my head in agreement with his every word.
sarcastic look, because men are smart and can easily understand it.
the house at that time?
that. Then he will think that you are bored with his words and want to run
away. You should, silently agree with his every word, until he calms down.
Can I go now? Then I leave, and go about my business. Because he is tired from
shouting, he needs rest.
Stay away from him for a week, and stop talking, surely?
from such bad habits.
two-edged sword. If you don't go to your husband when he wants to compromise
with you, he will get used to being alone. Sometimes this situation will push
him to extreme stubbornness.
to her with a glass of milk or a cup of hot tea and say, take, eat these, you
are very tired. Talk to him very naturally. Then he said, are you angry? I say,
misbehavior and speak of affection and love.

words then?
Instead of believing what you say when you are calm, believe what you say when
you are angry?
husband's satisfaction. Our transparent relationship is our personality. And
there is no personality between husband and wife. In front of whom you are
completely naked, what is the personality of him
Interview with an old lady. Who
successfully spent fifty long years with her husband. Their lives were full of
A journalist asked this old lady
about the secret of her fifty years of lasting success.
What was that mystery? Making fun
The old woman said, the happiness
How? With money? That can't be.
Giving birth? No, not even that.
Making good food? Not even that,
.The journalist was surprised by
The old woman said, whenever my
Be careful! Never shut up with a
Journalist: Why don't you leave
Old lady: Be careful! Never do
Then I say to him, your finished?
Journalist: What do you do next?
Old lady: Be careful! Stay away
Which is deadlier than a
Journalist: So what to do then?
Old woman: After two hours I go
Then, express regret for his
Journalist: Do you believe his
Old lady: Of course. Why not?
Journalist: So your personality?
Old woman: My personality is my
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