Things abusive people do to gain control over you

1- They isolate you from family and friends

2-They do and say things to lower your self esteem.

3- They use the silent treatment, and other passive aggressive ways to control, and punish you.

4-They avoid any real conversations about issues in

the relationship, and ignore your needs and wants. 5-They discourage any of your dreams or aspirations.

6-They gaslight and use crazy making techniques to manipulate and control you.

7-Frequently are dishonest and disloyal

8-Are emotionally unavailable to you. (never there for you)

9-Extremely controlling

10-They give you little to no real love and attention, except enough to confuse you, and throw you off balance.

11-They make it clear either directly or indirectly, that it is always about them. And their needs are of the most importance.

12-They brainwash and condition you to accept their abuse.


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