What are some tips that could save your life || What are some tips that could save your life

  • If you are on verge of getting raped, hit his testes as hard as you can and see how he will fall down and if they are in the group, don't perform this brave stunt instead tell them you have HIV.
  • If you’re being tied up, puff yourself out as much as possible so it’ll be easier to wiggle out of. Tense muscles, inhale deep and stretch out your arms and legs to make more space.
  • A person who is drowning doesn't look like people drowning on TV. When someone is drowning they rarely cry out, can't wave their arms around, and will often just bob/sink at the surface for a very little while, often gasping, before submerging.

To expand, they will be vertical in the water, head back, mouth open. You have around 30 seconds to get them out before the average person goes under at this point. It is usually a silent process. If you are at a pool and it gets quiet, get alert.

  • Do not pull objects (knife, glass, etc) from a deep wound. It might cut an artery when you pull them out. Put pressure around such an object to slow bleeding till emergency responders take over.
  • If you fall into water, don't panic. You don't have to be able to swim; you just have to float. Hold your breath and let yourself bob to the surface.
  • If you are lost in the desert, or any deserted area, the important thing you can carry to increase your chances of being found is a small reflective mirror. Anytime a plane flies overhead you can reflect light towards them and you greatly increase your chances of being found. This seriously is more important than carrying more water with you.
  • If you find yourself hurt in a public place, direct your pleas to one person, not to the crowd cause everyone will think that ”somebody else will help you”. The bystander effect.
  • If someone is in trouble and you want to leap in to save them, make sure you have a way to get out yourself.
  • When having a heart attack, you don't swallow asprin, you chew it. People panic most of the times and swallow it.
  • It is extremely difficult to hit a moving target. If somebody is trying to shoot you, keep moving, change directions unexpectedly, roll on the ground and get up again. Keep doing this until you are out of range and/or can find safe cover.
  • If you ever find yourself on a horse that is out of control - pull one rein so that it's head is all the way around, touching your foot/it's shoulder. A horse can not buck, bolt or rear in this stance - it can run madly in a tight circle but it will tire and stop eventually.
  • If a girl you don't know suddenly adds you on facebook, and wants to see your dick, that's a scam. They'll blackmail you.
  • If you get a tooth knocked out, don’t put it on ice to take to the hospital- put it in milk. Also if you get a body part severed, put it in a bag and then put the bag on ice; don’t put the body part directly in the ice.
  • If someone tries to kidnap you DO NOT let them transport you. Fight, scratch, die, do anything because if you don't, the place they take you will be much worse.
  • Do not delay getting out of a burning building. The flames are not what will kill you. The smoke will get very thick and toxic very quickly and you will not be able to see the way to get out.

A point suggested by Karishma Bhagat - It is better to stay close to the ground. Also, take a cloth, wet it with water or even your spit if you do not have access to water immediately, and cover your mouth with it. This greatly decreases the chance of inhaling the toxic gas.

  • If someone is trying to rob you, give them everything you have. Throw your valuables away from robber in a particular direction & run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. That shit is replaceable, you are not. Don't try to be a hero. They might be armed.
  • After someone's fainted, don't immediately try to sit them up. It's a natural reaction but it can also be fatal, keeping them lying down will allow the blood to flow through their whole body and then they'll be okay.


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